好田 誠
Kohda Makoto
大学院工学研究科・工学部 知能デバイス材料学専攻
専門分野 スピントロニクス
Research activities and collaboration network

その理由は、これまでのみなさんが行ってきた勉強では「答え」が予め用意されていましたが、 研究では「答え」を自ら用意する=解き明かすその過程が楽しいからだと思います。

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半導体細線構造では電子の運動方向が一方向に決まるため有効磁場の向きが一軸となりますが、その有効磁場と外部磁場がどのような競合を見せスピン緩和が決まるのかに関して理論・実験共に理解されてきませんでした。 半導体細線構造における有効磁場と面内外部磁場下でのスピンダイナミクスの理論を構築し、予言されていたスピン緩和時間と歳差運動周波数の異方性を時間分解カー回転測定より実験的に明らかにすることに成功しました。
“Anisotropic spin dynamics in semiconductor narrow wires from the interplay between spin-orbit interaction and planar magnetic field”, Junpei Sonehara, Michael Kammermeier, Dai Sato, Daisuke Iizasa, Ulrich Zülicke, Shutaro Karube, Junsaku Nitta, and Makoto Kohda, Physical Review B,105, 094434 (2022).
“Dyakonov–Perel and Elliot–Yafet spin relaxation rates in InGaAs/InAlAs multiple quantum wells at room temperature”, Ayuki Yasuhito, Koichi Shota, Kyohei Nobuhide, Makoto Kohda, and Ken Morita, Applied Physics Express 15, 043001 (2022).
“Reliable modeling of weak antilocalization for accurate spin-lifetime extraction”, Michael Kammermeier, Takahito Saito, Daisuke Iizasa, Ulrich Zülicke, and Makoto Kohda, Physical Review B,104,(2021), 235430.
“Intravalley Scattering Probed by Excitation Energy Dependence of Valley Polarization in Monolayer MoS2“, Eito Asakura, Takeshi Odagawa, Masaki Suzuki, Shutaro Karube, Junsaku Nitta and Makoto Kohda, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54, 485304 (2021).
“Room-temperature spin–orbit magnetic fields in slightly misoriented (110) InGaAs/InAlAs multiple quantum wells”, Koichi Nakanishi, Ayuki Arikawa, Yasuhito Saito, Daisuke Iizasa, Satoshi Iba, Yuzo Ohno, Nobuhide Yokota, Makoto Kohda, Yoshihiro Ishitani, and Ken Morita, Applied Physics Letters,119,(2021), 032405.
“Full spin–orbit coefficient in III–V semiconductor wires based on weak localization anisotropy under in-plane magnetic field”, Toshimichi Nishimura, Kohei Yoshizumi, Takahito Saito, Daisuke Iizasa, Junsaku Nitta and Makoto Kohda, Physical Review B,103,(2021), 094412.
“Control of Spin Relaxation Anisotropy by Spin-Orbit-Coupled Diffusive Spin Motion”, Daisuke Iizasa, Asuka Aoki, Takahito Saito, Junsaku Nitta, Gian Salis, Makoto Kohda, Physical Review B,103,(2021), 024427.
これまで全く研究がされてこなかった225面が最も安定であることを示しました。本論文はPRBのEditor’s Suggestionに選ばれました。
“Enhanced longevity of the spin helix in low-symmetry quantum wells”, Daisuke Iizasa, Makoto Kohda, Ulrich Zülicke, Junsaku Nitta, Michael Kammermeier, Physical Review B,101,(2020), 245417.
プレスリリース英語版(Press Release in English).
スピン軌道ロッキングを用いたスピン制御に関する論文が、2019年のScientific Reportsにおいて物理学Top100ダウンロード数論文として選ばれました。
Top 100 in Physics 2019
Scientific Reports,9,(2019),1909.
日本金属学会 功績賞を受賞しました
“Transient diffusive spin dynamics in intrinsic InGaAs/InAlAs multiple quantum wells” K. Kawaguchi, T. Fukasawa, I. Takazawa, H. Shida, Y. Saito, D. Iizasa, T. Saito, T. Kitada, Y. Ishitani, M. Kohda, and K. Morita
Applied Physics Letters,115,(2019),172406.
“Simultaneous evaluation of drift- and diffusion-induced spin-orbit fields in a (001) GaAs/AlGaAs two-dimensional electron gas” T. Saito, A. Aoki, J. Nitta, and M. Kohda
Applied Physics Letters,115,(2019),052402.
“Detection of both optical polarization and coherence transfers to excitonic valley states in CVD-grown monolayer MoS2” E. Asakura, M. Suzuki, S. Karube, J. Nitta, K. Nagashio and M. Kohda
Applied Physics Express,12,(2019),063005.
“Spin-momentum locked spin manipulation in a two-dimensional Rashba system”
M. Kohda, T. Okayasu and J. Nitta
Scientific Reports,9,(2019),1909.
RIEC Award 東北大学研究者賞を受賞しました
“Robustness of a persistent spin helix against a cubic Dresselhaus field in (001) and (110) oriented two-dimensional electron gases”
D Iizasa, D. Sato, K. Morita, J. Nitta, and M. Kohda,
Physical Review B,98,(2018),165112.
文部科学省 若手科学者賞を受賞しました
“Weak antilocalization induced by Rashba spin-orbit interaction in layered III-VI compound semiconductor GaSe thin films”
S. Takasuna, J. Shiogai, S. Matsuzaka, M. Kohda, Y. Oyama,and J. Nitta
Physical Review B Rapid Communications,96,(2017),161303(R).
“Effect of optical waveguide on photoluminescence polarization in layered material GaSe with millimeter scale”
M. Suzuki, M. Kohda, S. Takasuna, S. Matsuzaka, Y. Sato, T. Tanabe, Y. Oyama,and J. Nitta
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,57,(2018),020308.
“Physics and application of persistent spin helix state in semiconductor heterostructures”
M. Kohda and G. Salis
Semiconductor Science and Technology,32,(2017),073002. (doi.org/10.1088/1361-6641/aa5dd6)
“Observation of the D’yakonov-Perel’ spin relaxation in single-crystalline Pt thin films”
J-C. Ryu, M. Kohda, and J. Nitta
Physical Review Letters,116,(2016), 256802-1-256802-6. (doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.256802)
“Drift transport of helical spin coherence with tailored spin-orbit interactions”
Y. Kunihashi, H. Sanada, H. Gotoh, K. Onomitsu, M. Kohda, J. Nitta, and T. Sogawa
Nature Communications,7,(2016),10722. (doi:10.1038/ncomms10722)
“Gate-controlled switching between persistent and inverse persistent spin helix states”
K. Yoshizumi, A. Sasaki, M. Kohda, and J. Nitta
Applied Physics Letters,108,(2016),132402-1-132402-4. (doi:10.1063/1.4944931)
“Current-Controlled Spin Precession of Quasistationary Electrons in a Cubic Spin-Orbit Field”
P Altmann, F. G. G. Hernandez, G. J. Ferreira, M. Kohda, C. Reichl, W. Wegscheider, and G. Salis
Physical Review Letters 116, 196802-1-196802-4 (2016). (doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.196802)
“Transition of a two-dimensional spin mode to a helical state by lateral confinement”
P.Altmann, M. Kohda, C. Reichl, W. Wegscheider, and G. Salis.
Physical Review B92, 235304-1-235304-6 (2015). (DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.92.235304)
“All-optical evaluation of spin-orbit interaction based on diffusive spin motion in a two-dimensional electron gas”
M. Kohda, P Altmann, D. Schuh, S. D. Ganichev, W. Wegscheider, and G. Salis
Applied Physics Letters 107, 172402 (2015). (doi: 10.1063/1.4934671)
A. Sasaki, S. Nonaka, Y. Kunihashi, M. Kohda, T. Bauernfeind, T. Dollinger, K. Richter, and J. Nitta.
“Direct determination of spin-orbit interaction coefficients and realization of the persistent spin helix symmetry”,
Nature Nanotechnology 13, 703-709 (2014).DOI: 10.1038/NNANO.2014.128

“Structural and magentic properties of L10-FePd/MgO films on GaAs and InP lattice mismatched substrates”
M. Kohda, S. Iimori, R. Ohsugi, H. Naganuma, T. Miyazaki, Y. Ando and J. Nitta
Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 102411(2013)
2013年1月24日慶応大学 Topical workshop on semiconductor spintronicsでの講演です。
“Spin-orbit induced electronic spin separation in semiconductor nanostructures”
Makoto Kohda, Shuji Nakamura, Yoshitaka Nishihara, Kensuke Kobayashi, Teruo Ono, Jun-ichiro Ohe,
Yasuhiro Tokura, Taiki Mineno, and Junsaku Nitta.
Nature Communications 3, 1082 (2012). (doi:10.1038/ncomms2080)

“Gate-controlled persistent spin helix state in (In,Ga)As quantum wells”
M. Kohda, V. Lechner, Y. Kunihashi, T. Dollinger, P. Olbrich, C. Schonhuber, V. V. Bel’kov,L. E. Golub,D. Weiss,K. Richter,J. Nitta,and S. D. Ganichev.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 86,081306(R) (2012).

- InGaAsP/InGaAs2次元電子ガスで非常に大きなRashbaスピン軌道相互作用を設計し実際に実現しました。
“Enhancement of Spin-Orbit Interaction and the Effect of Interface Diffusion in Quaternary InGaAsP/InGaAs heterostructures”
M. Kohda and J.Nitta
Physical Review B. 81, (2010) 115118.(DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.81.115118) - スピン軌道相互作用の量子井戸幅依存性とスピン干渉効果をまとめた論文がJPSJのSpecial topicsに掲載されました。
“Manipulating spin orbit interaction in semiconductors.”
M. Kohda, T. Bergsten, and J. Nitta
Journal of the Physics Society of Japan, 77(3), (2008), 031008-1-031008-9
・[114] Efficient spin–orbit torque in magnetic trilayers using all three polarizations of a spin current
Jeongchun Ryu, Ryan Thompson, Jae Yeol Park, Seok-Jong Kim, Gaeun Choi, Jaimin Kang, Han Beom Jeong, Makoto Kohda, Jong Min Yuk, Junsaku Nitta, Kyung-Jin Lee & Byong-Guk Park [Nature Electronics 5, 217-223 (2022).]
・[113] D’yakonov–Perel and Elliot–Yafet spin relaxation rates in InGaAs/InAlAs multiple quantum wells at room temperature
Ayuki Arikawa, Yasuhito Saito, Koichi Nakanishi, Shota Sato, Kyohei Sugaya, Nobuhide Yokota, Makoto Kohda, Ken Morita [Applied Physics Express 15, 043001 (2022).]
・[112] Anisotropic spin dynamics in semiconductor narrow wires from the interplay between spin-orbit interaction and planar magnetic field
Junpei Sonehara, Michael Kammermeier, Dai Sato, Daisuke Iizasa, Ulrich Zülicke, Shutaro Karube, Junsaku Nitta, Makoto Kohda [Physical Review B 105, 094434 (2022).]
・[111] Thickness dependence of spin–orbit torques in Pt/Co structures on epitaxial substrates
Gaeun Choi, Jeongchun Ryu, Ryan Thompson, Jong-Guk Choi, Jimin Jeong, Sungjun Lee, Min-Gu Kang, Makoto Kohda, Junsaku Nitta, and Byong-Guk Parkspan [APL Materials 10, 011105 (2022).]
Michael Kammermeier, Takahito Saito, Daisuke Iizasa, Ulrich Zülicke, and Makoto Kohda
[Physical Review B 104, 235430 (2021).]
・[109] Intravalley Scattering Probed by Excitation Energy Dependence of Valley Polarization in Monolayer MoS2
Eito Asakura, Takeshi Odagawa, Masaki Suzuki, Shutaro Karube, Junsaku Nitta and Makoto Kohda
[Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54, (2021), 485304.]
・[108] Room-temperature spin–orbit magnetic fields in slightly misoriented (110) InGaAs/InAlAs multiple quantum wells
Koichi Nakanishi, Ayuki Arikawa, Yasuhito Saito, Daisuke Iizasa, Satoshi Iba, Yuzo Ohno, Nobuhide Yokota, Makoto Kohda, Yoshihiro Ishitani, and Ken Morita
[Applied Physics Letters,119,(2021), 032405.]
・[107] Distinguishing persistent effects in an undoped GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well by top-gate-dependent illumination
Takafumi Fujita, Ryota Hayashi, Makoto Kohda, Julian Ritzmann, Arne Ludwig, Junsaku Nitta, Andreas D. Wieck, and Akira Oiwa
[Journal of Applied Physics 129, 234301 (2021).]
・[106] Full spin-orbit coefficient in III-V semiconductor wires based on the anisotropy of weak localization under in-plane magnetic field
Toshimichi Nishimura, Kohei Yoshizumi, Takahito Saito, Daisuke Iizasa, Junsaku Nitta, and Makoto Kohda
[Physical Review B 103, 094412 (2021).]
・[105] Origin of spin–orbit torque in single-layer CoFeB investigated via in-plane harmonic Hall measurements
Ye Du, Ryan Thompson, Makoto Kohda, and Junsaku Nitta
[AIP Advances 11, 025033(2021).]
・[104] Anisotropic Spin-Orbit Torque through Crystal-Orientation Engineering in Epitaxial Pt
Ryan Thompson, Jeongchun Ryu, Gaeun Choi, Shutaro Karube, Makoto Kohda, Junsaku Nitta, and Byong-Guk Park
[PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED 15, 014055 (2021).]
・[103] Control of spin relaxation anisotropy by spin-orbit-coupled diffusive spin motion
Daisuke Iizasa, Asuka Aoki, Takahito Saito, Junsaku Nitta, Gian Salis, and Makoto Kohda
[PHYSICAL REVIEW B 103, 024427 (2021).]
・[102] Room-temperature perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of Pt/Co/AlOx trilayers on SrTiO3 (001)
Ye Du, Shoma Arai, Shingo Kaneta-Takada, Le Duc Anh, Shutaro Karube, Makoto Kohda, Shinobu Ohya and Junsaku Nitta
[AIP Advances 10 , 105010 (2020).]
・[101] Tunneling mechanism in a (Ga,Mn)As/GaAs-based spin Esaki diode investigated by bias-dependent shot noise measurements
T. Arakawa, J. Shiogai, M. Maeda, M. Ciorga, M. Utz, D. Schuh, Y. Niimi, M. Kohda, J. Nitta, D. Bougeard, D. Weiss, and K. Kobayashi
[PHYSICAL REVIEW B 102, 045308 (2020).]
・[100] Enhanced longevity of the spin helix in low-symmetry quantum wells
Daisuke Iizasa, Makoto Kohda, Ulrich Zülicke, Junsaku Nitta, and Michael Kammermeier
[PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 101, 245417 (2020).]
・[99] Current direction dependent spin Hall magnetoresistance in epitaxial Pt/Co bilayers on MgO(110)
R. Thompson, J. RYu, Y. Du, S. Karube, M. Kohda, and J. Nitta
[PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 101, 214415 (2020).]
・[98] Spin–orbit parameters derivation using single-frequency analysis of InGaAs multiple quantum wells in transient spin dynamics regime
H. Shida, K. Kawaguchi, Y. Saito, I. Takazawa, T. Fukasawa, D. Iizasa, T. Saito, T. Kitada, Y. Ishitani, M. Kohda and K. Morita
[Journal of Applied Physics, 127, 153901 (2020).]
・[97] Disentanglement of Spin-Orbit Torques in Pt/Co Bilayers with the Presence of Spin Hall Effect and Rashba-Edelstein Effect
Y. Du, H. Gamou, S. Takahashi, S. Karube, M. Kohda, J. Nitta
[Physical Review Applied, 13, 054014 (2020).]
・[96] Spin accumulation in photo-induced potential dimples generated in semiconductors
H. Sanada, A. M. Stramma, Y. Kunihashi, Y. Tanaka, H. Gotoh, K. Onomitsu, F. Tagarelli, M. Kohda, J. Nitta, and T. Sogawa,
[Communications Physics ,3, 11 (2020).]
・[95] Anomalous spin-orbit field via the Rashba-Edelstein effect at the W/Pt interface
S. Karube, N. Tezuka, M. Kohda, and J. Nitta
[Physical Review Applied,13, 024009 (2020).]
・[94] Detection of Spin Transfer from Metal to Molecule by Magnetoresistance Measurement
H. Gamou, K. Shimose, R. Enoki, E. Minamitani, A. Shiotari, Y. Kotani, K. Toyoki, T. Nakamura, Y. Sugimoto, M. Kohda, J. Nitta, and S. Miwa
[Nano Letters,20, 75-80 (2020).]
・[93] Temperature-dependent spin Hall effect tunneling spectroscopy in platinum
K. Nakagawara, S. Kasai, J. Ryu, S. Mitani, L. Liu, M. Kohda, and J. Nitta
[Applied Physics Letters,115, 162403 (2019).]
・[92] Transient diffusive spin dynamics in intrinsic InGaAs/InAlAs multiple quantum wells
K. Kawaguchi, T. Fukasawa, I. Takazawa, H. Shida, Y. Saito, D. Iizasa, T. Saito, T. Kitada, Y. Ishitani, M. Kohda, and K. Morita
[Applied Physics Letters,115, 172406 (2019).]
・[91] Simultaneous evaluation of drift- and diffusion-induced spin-orbit fields in a (001) GaAs/AlGaAs two-dimensional electron gas
T. Saito, A. Aoki, J. Nitta, and M. Kohda
[Applied Physics Letters,115,052402 (2019).]
・[90] Temperature and laser energy dependence of the electron g-factor in intrinsic InGaAs/InAlAs multiple quantum wells
K. Morita, A. Okumura, H. Takaiwa, I. Takazawa, T. Oda, T. Kitada, M. Kohda, and Y. Ishitani
[Applied Physics Letters,115,012404 (2019).]
・[89] Detection of both optical polarization and coherence transfers to excitonic valley states in CVD-grown monolayer MoS2
E. Asakura, M. Suzuki, S. Karube, J. Nitta, K. Nagashio and M. Kohda
[Applied Physics Express,12,063005 (2019).]
・[88] Evaluation of spin-orbit torque in a L10-FePt single layer and a L10-FePt/Pt bilayer
T. Sato, T. Seki, M. Kohda, J-C. Ryu, H. Gamou, S. Karube, K. Takanashi, and J. Nitta
[Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,58,060915 (2019).]
・[87] Enhancement of spin current generation in epitaxial α-Ta/CoFeB bilayer
H. Gamou, Y. Du, M. Kohda, and J. Nitta
[Physical Review B,99,184408 (2019).]
・[86] Spin-momentum locked spin manipulation in a two-dimensional Rashba system
M. Kohda , T. Okayasu and J. Nitta
[Scientific Reports,9,1909 (2019).]
・[85] Crystal orientation dependence of spin-orbit torques in Co/Pt bilayers
J. Ryu, C. O. Avci, S. Karube, M. Kohda, G. S. D. Beach, and J. Nitta
[Applied Physics Letters,114,142402 (2019).]
・[84] Phase velocity of drifting spin wave packets in semiconductor two dimensional electron gas
Y. Tanaka, Y. Kunihashi, H. Sanada, H. Gotoh, K. Onomitsu, M. Kohda, J. Nitta, and T. Sogawa
[Applied Physics Express ,12,013001 (2019).]
・[83] Robustness of a persistent spin helix against a cubic Dresselhaus field in (001) and (110) oriented two-dimensional electron gases
D Iizasa, D. Sato, K. Morita, J. Nitta, and M. Kohda.
[Physical Review B,98,165112 (2018).]
・[82] Magnetics and Optics Research
S. Okamoto, H. Munekata, T. Goto, M. Kohda. , I. Matsuda, K. Sekiguchi, Y. Shiratsuchi, A. Roman
[Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 57, 09T001(2018).]
・[81] Spatial variation of dynamic nuclear spin polarization probed by the non-local Hanle effect
J. Shiogai, M. Ciorga, M. Utz, D. Schuh, M. Kohda, , D. Bougeard, T. Nojima, D. Weiss, and J. Nitta.
[Applied Physics Letters 112, 132403 (2018).]
・[80] Enhancement of spin-orbit interaction of Cu thin films by oxidation treatment
R. Enoki, H. Gamou, M. Kohda, and J. Nitta.
[Applied Physics Express 11, 033001 (2018).]
・[79] Effect of optical waveguide on photoluminescence polarization in layered material GaSe with millimeter scale
M. Suzuki, M. Kohda, S. Takasuna, S. Matsuzaka,Y. Sato, T. Tanabe, Y. Oyama,and J. Nitta.
[Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,57,020308 (2018).]
・[78] Drift-induced enhancement of cubic Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction in a two-dimensional electron gas
Y. Kunihashi, H. Sanada, Y. Tanaka, H. Gotoh, K. Onomitsu, K. Nakagawara,M. Kohda, J. Nitta, and T. Sogawa.
[Physical Review Letters 119, 187703 (2017).]
・[77] Electric field-induced on / off switching of the Faraday effect
Y. Hibino, T. Koyama, S. Sumi, H. Awano, K. Miwa,S. Ono, M. Kohda, and D. Chiba.
[Applied Physics Express 10, 123201 (2017).]
・[76] Weak antilocalization induced by Rashba spin-orbit interaction in layered III-VI compound semiconductor GaSe thin films
S. Takasuna, J. Shiogai, S. Matsuzaka, M. Kohda, Y. Oyama,and J. Nitta.
[Physical Review B Rapid Communications,96,161303(R) (2017).]
・[75] Physics and application of persistent spin helix state in semiconductor heterostructures
M. Kohda, and G. Salis.
[Semiconductor Science and Technology (Topical Review) 32, 073002 (2017).]
・[74] Different spin relaxation mechanisms between epitaxial and polycrystalline Ta thin films
H. Gamou, J-C. Ryu, M. Kohda, and J. Nitta.
[Applied Physics Express 10, 023003 (2017).]
・[73] Observation of the D’yakonov-Perel’ spin relaxation in single-crystalline Pt thin films
J-C. Ryu, M. Kohda, and J. Nitta.
[Physical Review Letters 116, 256802 (2016).]
・[72] Control of magnetic anisotropy in Pt / Co system using ionic liquid gating
T. Hirai, T. Koyama, A. Obinata, Y. Hibino, K. Miwa, S. Ono, M. Kohda, and D. Chiba.
[Applied Physics Express 9, 063007 (2016).]
・[71] Current-controlled spin precession of quasistationary electrons in a cubic spin-orbit field
P. Altmann, F. G. G. Hernandez, G. J. Ferreira, M. Kohda, C. Reichl, W. Wegscheider, and G. Salis.
[Physical Review Letters 116, 196802 (2016).]
・[70] Gate-controlled switching between
persistent and inverse persistent spin helix
K. Yoshizumi, A. Sasaki, M. Kohda, and J. Nitta.
[Applied Physics Letters, 708 (2016) 134202.]
・[69] Drift transport of helical spin coherence with tailored spin-orbit interactions
Y. Kunihashi, H. Sanada, H. Gotoh, K. Onomitsu, M. Kohda, J. Nitta, and T. Sogawa.
[Nature Communications 7, 10722 (2016).]
・[68] Bias dependence of spin injection/transport properties of a perpendicular magnetized FePt / MgO / GaAs structure
R. Ohsugi, Y. Kunihashi, H. Sanada, M. Kohda, H. Gotoh, T. Sogawa and J. Nitta.
[Applied Physics Express 9, 043002-1-043002-4 (2016).]
・[67] Transition of a two-dimensional spin mode to a helical state by lateral confinement
P. Altmann, M. Kohda, C. Reichl, W. Wegscheider, and G. Salis.
[Physical Review B 92, 235304-1-235304-6 (2015).]
・[66] Effect of cubic Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction in a persistent spin helix state including phonon scattering in semiconductor quantum wells
R. Kurosawa, K. Morita, M. Kohda, and Y. Ishitani.
[Applied Physics Letters 107, 182103-1-182103-5 (2015).]
・[65] All-optical evaluation of spin-orbit interaction based on diffusive spin motion in a two dimensional electron gas
M. Kohda, P. Altmann, D. Schuh, S. D. Ganichev, W. Wegscheider, and G. Salis.
[Applied Physics Letters 107, 172402-1-172402-4 (2015).]
・[64] Enhancement of electric field modulation of coercivity in Pt /Co/Al-O structures by tuning Co surface oxidation
J. Shiogai, T. Ohashi, T. Yang, M. Kohda, T. Seki, K. Takanashi and J. Nitta.
[Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49, 03LT01-03LT05 (2015).]
・[63] In-plane tunneling anisotropic magnetoresistance in (Ga,Mn)As/GaAs Esaki diodes in the regime of the excess current
J. Shiogai, M. Ciorga, M. Utz, D. Schuh, M. Kohda, D. Bougeard, T. Nojima, D. Weiss, and J. Nitta.
[Applied Physics Letters 106, 262402-1-262402-5 (2015)..]
・[62] Shot Noise Induced by Nonequilibrium Spin Accumulation
T. Arakawa, J. Shiogai, M. Ciorga, M. Utz, D. Schuh, M. Kohda, J. Nitta, D. Bougeard, D. Weiss, T. Ono, and K. Kobayashi.
[Physical Review Letters 114, 016601-1-016601-5 (2015).]
・[61] Layer thickness dependence of spin orbit torques and fields in Pt/Co/AlO trilayer structures
T. Yang, M. Kong, M. Kohda, T. Seki, K. Takanashi, and J. Nitta.
[Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 54, 04DM05-1-04DM05-6 (2015).]
・[60] Comparison of electrical and optical detection of spin injection in L10-FePt/ MgO / GaAs hybrid structures
R. Ohsugi, J. Shiogai, Y. Kunihashi, M. Kohda, H. Sanada, T. Seki, M. Mizuguchi, H. Gotoh, K. Takanashi and J. Nitta.
[Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48, 164003-1-164003-6 (2015)]
・[59] Direct determination of spin-orbit interaction coefficients and realization of the persistent spin helix symmetry
A. Sasaki, S. Nonaka, Y. Kunihashi, M. Kohda, T. Bauernfeind, T. Dollinger, K. Richter, and J. Nitta.
[Nature Nanotechnology 13, (2014) 703-709.]
・[58] Giant enhancement of spin detection sensitivity in (Ga,Mn)As/GaAs Esaki diodes
J. Shiogai, M. Ciorga, M. Utz, D. Schuh, M. Kohda, D. Bougeard, T. Nojima, J. Nitta, and D. Weiss.
[Physical Review B Rapid Communication 89, (2014) 081307]
・[57] Platinum layer thickness dependence of spin-Hall induced effective field in Pt/Co/Pt structures
T. Yang, M. Kohda, T. Seki, K. Takanashi, and J. Nitta.
[Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 53, 04EM06-1-04EM06-5 (2014)]
・[56] Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy in Pt/Co/AlO Trilayer Structures Depending on AlO Thickness and Fabrication Method
T. Yang, Z.Q. Wang, M. Kohda, T. Seki, K. Taknashi, and J. Nitta.
[Key Engineering Materials 616, 247-251 (2014)]
・[55] Platinum thickness dependence and annealing effect of the spin-Seebeck voltage in platinum/yttrium iron garnet structures
Y. Saiga, K. Mizunuma, Y. Kono, J.-C. Ryu, H. Ono, M. Kohda, and E. Okuno.
[Applied Physics Express 7, (2014) 093001-1 – 093001-4 (2014)]
・[54] Shot noise at the quantum point contact in
InGaAs heterostructure
Y. Nishihara, S. Nakamura ,K. Kobayashi, T, Ono,
M. Kohda, and J. Nitta
[AIP Conference Proceedings 1566, (2013), 311 ]
・[53] Chirality determination of ferromagnetic disk by local Hall effect
A. S. Demiray, M. Kohda, and J. Nitta
[Applied Physics Letters,. 103, (2013) 122408]
・[52]Voltage-induced coercivity change in FePt/MgO stacks with different FePt thicknesses
Y. Kikuchi, T. Seki, M. Kohda, J. Nitta, and K. Takanashi
[Journal of Physics D,. 46, (2013) 285002-1-285002-6]
・[51]Manipulation of mobile spin coherence using magnetic-field-free electron spin resonance
H. Sanada, Y. Kunihashi, H. Gotoh, K. Onomitsu, M. Kohda, J. Nitta, P. V. Santos, and T. Sogawa
[Nature Physics,. 9, (2013) 280]
・[50]Structural and magnetic properties of L10-FePd/MgO films on GaAs and InP lattice mismatched substrates
M. Kohda, S. Iimori, R. Ohsugi, H. Naganuma, T. Miyazaki, Y. Ando and J. Nitta
[Applied Physics Letters,. 102, (2013) 102411]
・[49]Spin orbit induced electronic spin separation in semiconductor nanostructures
M. Kohda, S. Nakamura, Y. Nishihara, K. Kobayashi, T. Ono, J. Ohe, Y. Tokura, T. Mineno and J. Nitta
[Nature Communications,. 3, (2012) 1038]
・[48]Gate-controlled persisitent spin helix state in (In,Ga)As quantum wells
M. Kohda, V. Lechner, Y. Kunihashi, T. Dollinger, P. Olbrich, C. Schonhuber, I. Caspers, V. V. Bel’kov, L. E. Golub, D. Weiss, K. Richter, J. Nitta, and S. D. Ganichev
[Physical Review B,. 86, (2012) 081306(R)]
・[47]Dynamic nuclear spin polarization in an allsemiconductor spin injection device with (Ga,Mn)As/n-GaAs spin Esaki diode
J. Shiogai, M. Ciorga, M. Ultz, D. Schuh, T. Arakawa, M. Kohda, K. Kobayashi, T. Ono, W. Wegscheider, D. Weiss and J. Nitta
[Applied Physics Letters,. 101, (2012) 212402]
・[46]Shot noise suppression in InGaAs/InGaAsP quantum channels
Y. Nishihara, S. Nakamura, K. Kobayashi, T. Ono, M. Kohda and J. Nitta
[Applied Physics Letters,. 100, (2012) 203111]
・[45]Electrical determination of relative chirality direction in a Co/Cu/Co ferromagentic ring
A. S. Demiray, M. Kohda, T. Miyawaki , Y. Watanabe, K. Saito, S. Mitani, K. Takanashi, and J. Nitta
[Applied Physics Letters,. 101, (2012) 062409]
・[44]Proposal of spin complementary field effect transistor
Y. Kunihashi, M. Kohda, H. Sanada, H. Gotoh, T. Sogawa, and J. Nitta
[Applied Physics Letters,. 100, (2012) 113502]
・[43]Experimental demonstration of spin geometric phase: radius dependence of time reversal Aharonov-Casher oscillations
F. Nagasaswa, J. Takagi, Y. Kunihashi,M. Kohda, and J. Nitta
[Physical Review Letters,. 108, (2012) 086801]
・[42]Semiclassical approach for spin dephasing in a quasi-one-dimensional channel
Y. Kunihashi, M. Kohda, and J. Nitta
[Physical Review B,. 85, (2012) 035321]
・[41]Anisotropy and Damping in Co2FeAl0.5Si0.5via electrical detection of ferromagnetic resonance
L. Bai, N. Tezuka, M. Kohda, and J. Nitta
[Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,. 51, (2012) 083001]
・[40]Relative vortex state control in a Co/Cu/Co pseudo-spin-valve ring
A. S. Demiray, T. Miyawaki, Y. Watanabe,M. Kohda, K. Saito, S. Mitani, K. Takanashi, and J. Nitta
[Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,. 51, (2012) 04DM04]
・[39]Anisotropic weak anti-localization under in-plane magentic field and control of dimensionality via spin precession length
S. Nonaka, Y. Kunihashi,M. Kohda, and J. Nitta
[Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,. 51, (2012) 04DM01]
・[38] MgO layer thickness dependence of structure and magnetic properties of L10-FePt/MgO/GaAs structures
R. Ohsugi,M. Kohda, T. Seki, A. Ohtsu, M. Mizuguchi, K. Takanashi, and J. Nitta
[Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,. 51, (2012) 02BM05]
・[37]Anisotropic spin transport affected by competition between spin orbit interaction and Zeeman effect in an InGaAs based wire
J. Nitta, S. Moulis, and M. Kohda
[J. Phys. Conference Series,. 334, (2011) 012062]
・[36]Suppression of Aharanov-Casher spin interference in an InGaAs ring array
J. Nitta, J. Takagi, F. Nagasawa, and M. Kohda
[J. Phys. Conference Series,. 302, (2011) 012002]
・[35]Acoustically induced spin-orbit interactions reveald by two-dimensional imaging of spin transport in GaAs
H. Sanada, T. Sogawa, H. Gotoh, K. Onomitsu, M. Kohda, J.Nitta, and P. V. Santos
[Physical Review Letters,. 106, (2011) 216602]
・[34]Coercivity change in an FePt thin layer in a Hall device by voltage application
T. Seki, M. Kohda, J.Nitta, and K. Takanashi
[Applied Physics Letters,. 98, (2011) 212505]
・[33]Observation of spin wave modes depending on a tunable periodic magnetic field
L. Bai, M. Kohda, and J.Nitta
[Applied Physics Letters,. 98, (2011) 172508]
・[32]Magnitude and sign control of lithography-induced uniaxial anisotropy in ultra-thin (Ga,Mn)AsMagnitude and sign control of lithography-induced uniaxial anisotropy in ultra-thin (Ga,Mn)As
J. Shiogai, D. Schuh, W. Wegscheider, M. Kohda, J.Nitta, and D. Weiss
[Applied Physics Letters,. 98, (2011) 083101]
・[31]Enhancement of Spin-Orbit Interaction and the Effect of Interface Diffusion in Quaternary InGaAsP/InGaAs heterostructures
M. Kohda and J.Nitta
[Physical Review B. 81, (2010) 115118] 10.1103/PhysRevB.81.115118
・[30]Electrical detection of propagating spin waves controlled by a local magnetic field induced by a DC current.
L. H. Bai, M. Kohda, and J. Nitta
[Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 49, (2010) 04DM01]
・[29]Spin-Orbit Interaction in an In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.7Ga0.3As Shallow Two-Dimensional Electron Gas Located 5nm Below InP Surface Barrier.
M. Kohda, T. Shibata, and J. Nitta
[Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 49, (2010) 04DM02]
・[28]Width and Temperature Dependence of Lithography-Induced Magnetic Anisotropy in (Ga,Mn)As
M. Kohda, J. Ogawa, J. Shiogai, F. Matsukura, Y. Ohno, H. Ohno, and J. Nitta
[Physica E.,42, 2685-2689 (2010) ] doi:10.1016/j.physe.2009.12.019
・[27]Proposal for electrical detection of spin separation with in-plane magentic field in mesoscopic Stern-Gerlach spin filter
M. Kohda, J. Ohe, H. Sanada, M. Yamamoto, T. Ohtsuki, and J. Nitta
[Proc. SPIE 7600, (2010) 76001B] doi:10.1117/12.845569
・[26]Electrical spin manipulation with Al2O3 gate insulator in InGaAs based mesoscopic ring arrays
J. Takagi, M. Kohda, and J. Nitta
[Physics Procedia. 3, (2010) 1317]
・[25]Experimental demonstration of resonant spin-orbit interaction effect
Y. Kunihashi,M. Kohda, and J. Nitta
[Physics Procedia. 3, (2010) 1261]
・[24] Anisotropic spin splitting in InGaAs wire structures
Y. Kunihashi, M. Kohda, and J. Nitta
[Physics Procedia. 3, (2010) 1255]
・[23]Enhancement of Rashba Spin-Orbit Interaction due to Wave Function Engineering
Y. Kunihashi, M. Kohda, and J. Nitta
[Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism. 23, (2010) 49]
・[22] Electronic Aharonov-Casher Effect in InGaAs Ring Arrays
J. Nitta, M. Kohda, and T. Bergsten
[Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Foundation of Quantum Mechanics in the Light of New Technology. (2009) 105]
・[21]Electrical Manipulation of Spins in the Rashba Two Dimensional Electron Gas Systems
J. Nitta, T. Bergsten, Y. Kunihashi, and M. Kohda
[Journal of Applied Physics. 105, (2009) 122402]
・[20] Enhancement of Spin Lifetime in Gate-Fitted InGaAs Narrow Wires
Y. Kunihashi, M. Kohda, and J. Nitta
[Physical Review Letters. 102, (2009) 226601]
・[19]All-Electrical Detection of the Relative Strength of Rashba and Dresselhaus Spin-Orbit Interaction in Quantum Wires
M. Scheid, M. Kohda, Y. Kunihashi, K. Richter, and J. Nitta
[Physical Review Letters. 101, (2008) 266401]
・[18] Effect of the array distance on the magntization configuration of submicron-sized ferromagnetic rings.
T. Miyawaki, K. Toyoda, M. Kohda, A. Fujita, and J. Nitta
[Proceedings of the international symposium on mesoscopic superconductivity and spintronics, (2008), 271-276]
・[17] Comparison of gate sensitivity for spin interference effect between Al2O3 and SiO2 gate insulators on InGaAs based mesoscopic ring arrays.
M. Kohda, J. Takagi, and J. Nitta
[ECS Transactions 16, (2008), 39-49]
・[16]High remanent magnetization of L10-ordered FePt thin film on MgO / (001) GaAs.
M. Kohda, A. Ohtsu, T. Seki, A. Fujita, J. Nitta, S. Mitani, and K. Takanashi
[Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 47, (2008), 3269 – 3271]
・[15]Manipulating spin-orbit interaction in semiconductors.
Makoto Kohda, Tobias Bergsten, and Junsaku Nitta
[Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,77(3),(2008),031008-1-031008-9]
・[14]Quantum well thickness dependence of spin orbit interaction in a gated InP / In0.8Ga0.2As / In0.52Al0.48As asymmetric quantum wells.
M. Kohda, T. Nihei, and J. Nitta
[Physica E,40(5),(2008),1194-1196]
・[13]Suppression of stray field between adjacent rings in one dimensional ferromagnetic ring arrays
M. Kohda, K. Toyoda, T. Miyawaki, A. Fujita, and J. Nitta
[Journal of Applied Physics,103,(2008),07A714-1-07A714-3]
・[12] Control of interlayer magnetostatic coupling in submicron-sized Fe/Au/Fe rings.
T. Miyawaki, M. Kohda, A. Fujita, and J. Nitta
[Appl. Phys. Lett.,92,(2008),32502-1-032502-3]
・[11] Rashba spin orbit interaction of In0.53Ga0.47As / In0.7Ga0.3As / In0.53/Ga0.47As shallow two dimensional electron gas by surface etching.
Y. Kunihashi, T. Nihei, M. Kohda, and J. Nitta,
[Physica Status Solidi C, 5, (2008), 322-324]
・[10] Local Hall measurement of magnetization reversal and magnetic interaction in Fe / Au / Fe trilayer rings
T. Miyawaki, M. Kohda, A. Fujita, and J. Nitta
[Physica Status Solidi C, 5, (2008), 294-297]
・[9]Lateral and vertical magnetic interaction in submicron-sized Fe ring arrays and Fe / Au / Fe trilayer ring structures
M. Kohda, K. Takagi, T. Miyawaki, K. Toyoda, A. Fujita, and J. Nitta
[Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 46, (2007), 2164-2166]
・[8]Gate controlled crossover from weak localization to weak antilocalization in a narrow gap InGaAs / InP heterostructure.
T. Nihei, Y. Suzuki, M. Kohda, and J. Nitta,
[Physica Status Solidi C,12(3),(2006),4239-4242]
・[7]Magnetoresistance oscillations induced by spin orbit interaction and intersubband scattering in a gated InP / InGaAs / InAlAs heterostructure.
M. Abe,M. Kohda, and J. Nitta,
[Physica Status Solidi C,3(12),(2006),4243-4246]
・[6]Spin injection with three terminal device based on (Ga,Mn)As / n+-GaAs tunnel junction.
T. Kita, M. Kohda, Y. Ohno, F. Matsukura, and H. Ohno,
[Physica Status Solidi C,3(12),(2006),4164-4167]
・[5]Magnetic interaction of submicron-sized ferromagnetic rings in a one-dimensional array.
T. Miyawaki, K. Toyoda, M. Kohda, A. Fujita, and J. Nitta,
[Appl. Phys. Lett.,89,(2006),122508(1)-122508(1)]
・[4] Bias voltage dependence of the electron spin injection studied in a three-terminal device based on GaMnAs/n+-GaAs Esaki diode.
Makoto Kohda, Tomohiro Kita, Yuzo Ohno, F. Matsukura, and Hideo Ohno,
[Appl. Phys. Lett.,89,(2006),012103]
・[3]Effect of n+-GaAs thickness and doping density on spin injection of GaMnAs/n+-GaAs Esaki tunnel junction
M. Kohda, Y. Ohno, F. Matsukura and H. Ohno,
[Physica E,32,(2006),438]
・[2]Electrical electron spin injection with a p+-(Ga,Mn)As/n+-GaAs tunnel junction
M. Kohda, Y. Ohno, K. Takamura, F. Matsukura and H. Ohno,
[Journal of Superconductivity, Vol.16, Issue 1,167 (2003)]
・[1] A Spin Esaki diode
M. Kohda, Y. Ohno, K. Takamura, F. Matsukura and H. Ohno,
[Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol.40, Part2, Express letter, No12A. L1274 (2001)]
・[Invited] M. Kohda, “Helical spin wave in III-V semiconductor heterosturctures”
2021 Tohoku-Lorraine Joint conference
March 3rd 2021 France (Online)
・[Invited] M. Kohda, “Full spin-orbit coefficinet in III-V semiconductor nanowires based on weak localization anisotropy”
2021 The 4th International Symposium for The Core Research Cluster for Spintronics
February 25th 2021 Sendai (Online)
・[Invited] M. Kohda, “Spintronics and valleytronics in semiconductor nanostructures”
2020 TVS-Advanced Materials international workshop
November 13th 2020 Taiwan (Online)
・[Invited] M. Kohda, “Spin manipulation by spin momentum locking in Rashba two-dimensional system”
2019 3rd EPiQS-TMS alliance workshop on Topological Phenomena in Quantum Materials
October 23rd 2019 USCB, USA
・[Invited] M. Kohda, “Spin manipulation by spin-momentum locking in a two-dimensional Rashba system”
2019 SPIE NanoScience and Engineering Spintronics XII
August 11th 2019 San Diego, USA
・[Invited] M. Kohda, “Spin orbit interaction in a layered semiconductor GaSe”
2018 Tohoku/SG-Spin Workshop on Spintronics
February 20th-21st 2018 Sendai, Japan
・[Invited] M. Kohda, “Spin-momentum locking on magnetic focusing manifested by semiconductor Stern-Gerlach spin filter”
2017 2nd Japan-China International Workshop on Quantum Technologies
June 12th-13th 2017 Tokyo, Japan
・[Invited] M. Kohda, “Spin relaxation mechanism in single and poly crystalline Pt thin films”
2016 14st RIEC International Workshop on Spintronics
November 18th-20th 2016 Sendai, Japan
・[Invited] M. Kohda, “Spin orbit interaction in metal-chalcogenide GaSe”
2016 International Symposium on Revolutionary Atomic-Layer Materials
October 22nd-23th 2016 Sendai, Japan
・[Invited] M. Kohda, “Spin orbit interaction in III-V semiconductor 2DEG and layered semiconductor GaSe”
2016 Frontiers in Quantum Materials and Devices Workshop (FQMD2016)
June 13th-14th 2016 Wako, Japan
・[Invited] M. Kohda, “Spin helix and inverse spin helix states for semiconductor spintronics”
2015 International Workshop on Quantum Nanostructures and Electron-Nuclear Spin Interactions
October 21st-22nd 2015 Sendai, Japan
・[Invited] M. Kohda, “Electrical spin generation and manipulation in semiconductor heterostructures”
2015 21st International Conference on Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems and 17th International Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures July 26-31, 2015, Sendai, Japan
・[Invited] M. Kohda, “Spin orbit interaction in semiconductor heterostructures”
2014 SPIE Nanophotonics 2014, San Diego, August 17th – 21th (2014).
・[Invited] M. Kohda, “Stern-Gerlach type spin separation in semiconductor nanostructures”
2014 The 41st International Sympositum on Compound Semiconductor, May. 11-15th, 2014, Montpellier, France.
・[Invited] M. Kohda, “Spin-orbit induced spin generation in semiconductor nanostructures”
2013 Energy Materials Nanotechnology meeting, Oct. 21st-27th, 2013, Chengdu, China.
・[Invited] M. Kohda, “Spin orbit induced electronic spin polarization and its future application”
2013 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials
SSDM2013, Sep. 24th-28th, 2013, Fukuoka, Japan.
・[Invited] M. Kohda, “Spin-orbit induced spin generation in InGaAs quantum wells”
2013 16th International Conference on Narrow Gap Semiconductors
NGS16, August 2nd-6th, 2013, Hangzhou, China.
・[Invited] M. Kohda, “Spin-orbit induced electronic spin separation in semiconductor nanostructures”
2013 The 18th International Conference on electron Dynamics in Semiconductor, Optoelectronics and Nanostructures
EDISON18, July 22nd-26th, 2013, Matsue, Japan.
・[Invited lecture] M. Kohda, “Spin orbit interaction and its application in semiconductors”
2013 JST-DFG ASPIMATT, July 1st-5th, 2013, Dresden, Germany.
・[Invited] M. Kohda, “Stern-Gerlach effect and spin separation in InGaAs nanostructures”
2013 American Physics Society (APS) March meeting, March 20th, 2013, Baltimore, USA.
・[Invited] M. Kohda, “Electrical spin separation and Stern-Gerlach effect in semiconductor nanostructures”
2012 AIMR spintronics workshop, Nov. 30th-Dec. 1st, 2012, Sendai, Japan
・[Invited] M. Kohda, “Electrical spin generation and manipulation by spin orbit interaction in semiconductor nanostructures”
2012 The 9th RIEC International Workshop on Spintronics , May. 31st-June. 2ndt, 2012, Sendai, Japan
・[Invited] M. Kohda, “Zero field spin polarization by Rashba spin orbit interaction in quantum point contacts”
2011 5th International Workshop on Spin Currents, July. 26th, 2011, Sendai, Japan
・[Invited] M. Kohda, “Spin manipulation and generation with spin oribt interaction in semiconductor heterostrucutures”
2010 SPIE Photonic West, Jan.. 26th, 2010, San Francisco, USA
・[Invited] M. Kohda, “Comparison of gate sensitivity for spin interference effect between Al2O3 and SiO2 gate insulators on InGaAs based mesoscopic ring arrays”
2008 214th Pacific rim meeting on electrochemical and solid state science, October 15th, Hawaii, USA
・[Invited] 好田誠, “電子スピン波情報担体創発に向けた物性開拓”
2021 日本物理学会領域4領域1領域3合同シンポジウム スピントロニクスによる古典情報と量子情報科学の融合, 2021年3月12日 オンライン.
・[Invited] 好田誠, “半導体量子構造におけるスピン軌道相互作用の微視的起源とメゾスコピック物性”
2021 第16回界面スピン軌道研究会/第14回界面多極子研究会, 2021年1月23日 オンライン.
・[Invited] 好田誠, “半導体スピントロニクス”
2021 第19回スピントロニクス入門セミナー, 2021年1月7-8日 オンライン.
・[Invited] 好田誠, “ヘリカルスピントロニクス-電子スピン波が生み出す新奇スピン物性とその制御-”
2020 物性談話会(名古屋大学/豊田理研共催), 2020年11月18日 オンライン.
・[Invited] 好田誠, “Control of spin states by spin orbit interaction in semiconductors”
2018 東北大学電気通信研究所―情報通信共同研究拠点―平成29年度共同プロジェクト研究発表会, 2018年2月22日 東北大学.
・[Invited] 好田誠, “半導体量子構造におけるスピン軌道相互作用を用いた永久スピン旋回状態の制御”
2017 応用物理学会北海道支部講演会, 2017年11月10日 北海道大学. .
・[Invited] 好田誠, “半導体におけるスピン軌道ロッキングを用いたスピン制御”
2017 東北大学電気通信研究所共同研究プロジェクト研究会「電荷とスピンの制御に基づく精密物性科学の構築とデバイス応用」, 2017年11月3日 仙台茂庭荘.
・[Invited] 好田誠, “半導体におけるヘリカルスピン秩序の生成とその制御”
2017 豊田理研ワークショップ「スピン秩序の動的光制御」, 2017年10月19日 トヨタ産業技術記念館.
・[Invited] 好田誠, “エピタキシャルPtおよびTa薄膜におけるスピン緩和機構とスピン軌道トルク”
2017 東北大学電気通信研究所共同プロジェクト研究会, 2017年1月31日 東北大学.
・[Invited] 好田誠, “半導体における Rashba および Dresselhaus スピン軌道相互作用が共存する系でのスピン物性”
2017 文科省新学術領域「トポロジーが紡ぐ物質科学のフロンティア」 第8回集中連携研究会「奇周波クーパー対の物理」 ,
2017年1月6-7日 名古屋大学.
・[Invited] 好田誠, “固体中におけるスピン軌道相互作用の新展開”
2016 第10回物性科学領域横断研究会, 2016年12月9-10日 神戸大学.
・[Invited] 好田誠, “半導体量子構造におけるスピン軌道相互作用を用いたスピン生成とその制御”
2016 2016年春季物理学会 領域8,5,3合同シンポジウム, 2016年3月20日 東北学院大学.
・[Invited] 好田誠, “スピン軌道相互作用の基礎と応用”
2015 第14回スピントロニクス入門セミナー, 2015年12月17日 慶應大学.
・[Invited] 好田誠, “半導体および金属薄膜におけるスピン軌道相互作用”
2015 東北大学電気通信研究所共同プロジェクト研究会, 2015年12月5日 東北大学.
・[Invited] 好田誠, “半導体におけるスピン軌道相互作用の新展開”
2015 第172回スピニクス研究会, 2015年10月2日, 東北大学.
・[Invited] 好田誠, “スピン軌道相互作用を用いた電気的スピン生成と永久スピン旋回状態の制御”
2013 半導体スピン光学の基礎と応用PASPS-18, Dec. 9th-10th, 2013, 大阪大学.
・[Invited] 好田誠, “スピン軌道相互作用を用いたシュテルン‐ゲルラッハスピンフィルタ”
2013 日本磁気学会 第43回スピンエレクトロニクス専門研究会 電界による物性制御, Jan. 7th 2013, 京都.
・[Invited] 好田誠, “半導体におけるゲート電界スピン生成と制御”
2012 秋季日本物理学会 領域3,4,7シンポジウム デバイス物理の新展開―電界効果の物質科学―, Sep. 20h 2012, 横浜.
・[Invited] 好田誠, “半導体ナノ構造における電気的スピン生成と制御”
2011 ディラック電子とスピントロニクスシンポジウム 東邦大学物理学科・東邦大学複合物性研究センター共催, Dec. 12nd 2011, 千葉.
・[Invited] 好田誠, “InGaAs量子ポイントコンタクトによる電気的スピン生成”
2011 電力中央研究所 材料科学研究所 若手ワークショップ 先端技術の最新のトピック―新しいデバイスの創製へ向けて―, Nov. 18th 2011, 東京.
・[Invited] 好田誠, “InGaAs量子ポイントコンタクトによるスピン流生成”
2011 スピン流と熱効果の新現象 応用物理学会スピントロニクス研究会・日本磁気学会スピンエレクトロニクス専門研究会共同主催研究会, Nov. 15th 2011, 東京.
・[Invited] 好田誠, “Spin generation and detection by spin orbit interaction in semiconductors”
2011 東京大学 量子相エレクトロニクス研究センター G-COEプログラム―未来を拓く物理化学結集教育研究拠点― QPECセミナー, Aug. 13th 2011, 東京.
・[Invited] 好田誠, “半導体スピン軌道相互作用によるスピン制御とスピン生成”
2011 第1回「固体材料における電界効果の物理と応用の進展若手ミニワークショップ」, Mar. 4th 2011, 東京.
- [Invited] 好田誠, “半導体へのスピン注入”
2004 日本物理学会第59回年次大会領域3シンポジウム, Mar. 27th 2004, 福岡.
・[Invited] 好田誠, “GaMnAs/n+-GaAsトンネル接合を用いた3端子素子によるスピン注入”
2006 第53回応用物理学関係連合講演会シンポジウム, Mar. 22nd 2006, 神奈川.
・[Invited] 好田誠, “半導体へのスピン注入”
2004 日本物理学会第59回年次大会領域3シンポジウム, Mar. 27th 2004, 福岡.
・2021- 科研費 基盤(A)(No.21H04647)
・2021- 科学技術振興機構 創発的研究支援事業
・2019- 新領域創成のための挑戦的研究DUO
・2018 インテリジェント・コスモス奨励賞
・2016 東北大学戦略的研究スタートアップ支援プログラム
・2015-2020 科研費 新学術領域研究 (研究分担者)(No.15H05854)
・2015-2020 科研費 基盤(A)(No.15H02099)
・2013-2014 科研費 挑戦的萌芽 (No.25600011)
・2012-2014 科研費 若手(A)(No.24684019)
・2011-2015 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構 NEDO若手グラント
・2011 半導体理工学研究センターSTARC 研究助成
・2009-2013 前川報恩会学術研究助成
・2009-2010 科研費 若手(B) (No.21760002)
・2008 住友財団基礎科学研究助成)
・2008-2012 科学技術振興機構 さきがけ研究 「界面の構造と制御」
・2007 カシオ科学技術振興財団研究助成
・2007 東北大学 若手研究者萌芽研究育成プログラム
・2007-2009 総務省 戦略的情報通信研究開発推進制度 (若手ICT研究者育成型研究開発)
・2007 池谷科学技術振興財団研究助成
・2006 村田学術振興財団研究助成
・2006-2007 科研費 若手(B)(No.18760003)
・2002-2005 日本学術振興会 特別研究員(DC1)
・2021 第19回APEX/JJAP編集貢献賞
・2020 第14回青葉工学振興会賞
・2020 第78回金属学会 功績賞
・2018 第8回 RIECアワード東北大学研究者賞
・2018 第17回 インテリジェント・コスモス奨励賞
・2018 平成30年度 文部科学省 若手科学者賞
・2018 東北大学大学院工学研究科 工学研究科長特別教育賞
・2017 第 14 回金属学会 村上奨励賞
・2014 第35回本多記念会 本多記念研究奨励賞
・2010 本多記念会第50回原田研究奨励賞
・2010 第20回トーキン科学技術振興財団研究奨励賞
・2006 平成18年度青葉工学振興会研究奨励賞
・2005 平成17年度東北大学電気・情報系優秀賞
・2001 第12回 応用物理学会講演奨励賞
・2000 平成13年度 電子情報通信学会東北支部学生員奨励賞
発明者:好田 誠, 国橋 要司, 田中 祐輔, 眞田 治樹, 後藤 秀樹, 寒川 哲臣, 軽部 修太郎, 菅原 大地, 新田 淳作
発明者:好田 誠, 国橋 要司, 後藤 秀樹, 眞田 治樹, 田中 祐輔, 寒川 哲臣, 飯笹 大介, 新田 淳作
発明者: 好田 誠, 国橋 要司, 眞田 治樹, 後藤 秀樹, 寒川 哲臣, 新田 淳作, 蒲生 寛, 榎 涼斗
発明者:好田 誠, 国橋 要司, 眞田 治樹, 後藤 秀樹, 寒川 哲臣, 新田 淳作, 柳 淀春, ゴン ミンシック
発明者: 好田 誠, 水沼 広太朗, 才賀 裕太, 河野 欣, 新田 淳作
発明者:好田 誠, 水沼 広太朗, 才賀 裕太, 河野 欣, 新田 淳作
発明者: 好田 誠, 眞田 治樹, 国橋 要司, 後藤 秀樹, 寒川 哲臣, 新田 淳作
発明者: 好田 誠, 眞田 治樹, 国橋 要司, 後藤 秀樹, 寒川 哲臣, 青木 あすか, 新田 淳作
発明者: 好田 誠, 河野 欣, 才賀 裕太, 水沼 広太朗, 小野 宏史, 柳 淀春
発明者: 好田 誠, 永沼 博, 遠藤 恭, 関 剛斎, 宮崎 孝道
発明者: 好田 誠, 眞田 治樹, 後藤 秀樹, 寒川 哲臣, 新田 淳作, 大橋 達郎
発明者: 好田 誠, 新田 淳作,小林 研介
特許出願公開番号:特許第5260810号 特願2011-180767
発明者: 好田 誠, 新田 淳作,
発明者: 好田 誠, 新田 淳作,
発明者: 好田 誠, 眞田 治樹, 後藤 秀樹, 寒川 哲臣,新田 淳作
発明者: 好田 誠, 新田 淳作,
発明者: 好田 誠, 新田 淳作
発明者: 好田 誠, 眞田 治樹, 後藤 秀樹, 新田 淳作
発明者: 好田 誠, 新田 淳作
発明者: 好田 誠, 新田 淳作
発明者: 好田 誠, 新田 淳作
発明者: 好田 誠, 新田 淳作
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