Language Japanese / English

National Institute for Quantum Science and Technology

Optical Spin Quantum Control Project

Toward the Realization of Quantum Information Technology

Tohoku University and the National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST) have been engaged in a collaborative effort since 2016, when they concluded an organizational comprehensive collaboration agreement. In 2020, they entered into an agreement specialized in synchrotron radiation science for the development and utilization of next-generation synchrotron radiation facilities called “NanoTerasu”.

In the field of quantum technology, where both institutes have strengths and the national strategy “Vision for a Quantum Future Society” has also been organized in 2022, the Tohoku University and QST will establish a collaborative laboratory, “Center for Innovative Research in Quantum Materials (CIRQuM)”, based on their past collaboration to realize a quantum future society through the establishment of quantum technology and quantum devices.


Accelerated Development of Quantum Technology

The establishment of a collaborative laboratory in Sendai within Tohoku University, where the next-generation synchrotron radiation facility “NanoTerasu” is located, will facilitate the highly integrated Tohoku University research activities in spintronics and materials science with the creation of quantum materials and quantum functionalities based on the high-precision quantum beam technology of the QST. A center for innovative research in quantum materials (CIRQuM) results that transcend the boundaries of spintronics, materials science, and quantum technology will be established.

Accelerated Development of Quantum Technology

The establishment of a collaborative laboratory in Sendai within Tohoku University, where the next-generation synchrotron radiation facility “NanoTerasu” is located, will facilitate the highly integrated Tohoku University research activities in spintronics and materials science with the creation of quantum materials and quantum functionalities based on the high-precision quantum beam technology of the QST. A center for innovative research in quantum materials (CIRQuM) results that transcend the boundaries of spintronics, materials science, and quantum technology will be established.





Research Content


6-6-02 Aramaki Aza Aoba, Aoba-ku  Sendai, 980-8579 Japan
Education and Research Building
for Materials Science and Development
Kohda Laboratory

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